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Dec 1, 2020 - There would have been a Hanover Book Expo 2020 for me in November, but due to Covid it was cancelled and will be back next fall in 2021. The organizer of the event made a video of many of the authors who would have have been participating this year, with our books (three of mine at least), so please take a minute to watch it here. Thanks and happy holidays to all.
Nov 30, 2020 - I will be interviewed on Fate Magazine Radio on Sunday night on December 20th. For the link to listen in and phone number to call with questions, check Appearances at a Glance. I was told I would be the whole two hours of the show. Very cool, as Fate Magazine has been in business for 75 years.
Nov 28, 2020 - I have another new release, a Lovecraftian horror poem, Dementia, this time in Horror Writers Association Presents Poetry Showcase Volume VII. You can find the Amazon link to the anthology in Kindle and paperback here. There are about 50 poems included in the book, many by best selling authors.
I will have a Krampus dark fantasy short story in the last Christmas Lites anthology-the number will be X (10). The anthology should released next month. When it does, I will post it here.
Oct 29, 2020 - Sirens Call Publications just published the Halloween/Fall 2020 edition of The Sirens Call eZine, issue #51! The eZine is available for free on their website, and you can directly download it for free (and their other ezines from the past) from their website here.
My story that made it is A Trick, No Treat, and there are three horror poems of mine in the ezine,too. Those are Keeping Monsters in the Family, A Hell of My Own Making, and The Crimson Rush.
Oct 28, 2020 - One of my publishers, Dreampunk Press, is having a halloween sale, and you can get 20% off when you use the discount code Spooky at the checkout at the publisher's webstore. Visit them here to place your order of independently published books now (in paperback and eBooks). This includes my science fiction novella, Maverick Heart, too. Sale ends at midnight EST on Halloween. Good time to get books for yourself and maybe for Christmas gifts.
Oct 26, 2020 - I got an awesome new review from Westman Reviews. Check it out here.
She also added my book to her Fall/Halloween reviews. Find it here and her Holiday Gift Guide: here.
My post for Horror Writers Association's Halloween Haunts blog is now available here.I was invited to be a guest on the 'X' Zone Radio Show with Rob McConnell. The soonest I could appear will be in April, on Friday the 2nd. Check Appearances at a Glance for time and more. You can also listen to the show at:
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Oct 20, 2020 - Retro Horror, from Nightmare Press is now available in paperback. It has my story, Hunting the Goat Man, included, plus 11 more from other authors. So, if you prefer a book in your hands to read and not an eBook, it is now available that way. Check it out here.
Oct 11, 2020 - My Halloween Haunts post for Horror Writers Association, "Can Halloween Be Pandemic Proof?" will be released on October 24, 2020. You can find it here, just look for mine. It should be the one at the top on that day. And be sure to check all the other ones out--some will have giveaways, too.
I am sure in a few days the paperback edition will released, but for now, the Kindle version of the horror anthology, Retro Horror, in which my short story, Hunting the Goat Man, is included, has released at Amazon. Find the link to it and the cover here.
Sep 30, 2020 - I have another book signing set up for the last 2 tours at Rosewell Plantation Center in Gloucester, Virginia, at the Visitor's Center, on October 30, 2020. To get the address plus the phone number to call to hold a prepaid spot on one of the tours, plus be able to buy a copy of my book (you might be able to prepay for the book over the phone) I will sign, check Appearances at a Glance. If you have any other of my ghost books, especially the new one, Haunted Surry to Suffolk, bring it(them)and I will sign those too.
I had a great interview on The Paranormal Pride paranormal radio show on Monday, September 28th. For those who didn't get to hear it live, you can hear the podcast here.
Last but not least, I will have another interview for television, although it will be prerecorded by Zoom for Virginia This Morning Usually I know the date of my appearance, but I only know the prerecording will be done on Thursday, October 8th. Once it is done, I am sure they will let me know the date it will be shown. It could be even the next day, the 9th, but when it is also posted online after the showing on TV, I will post the link of the podcast here on What's New so you can watch it then. Hopefully, though I will be able to let you know here in time of when it will be shown, and even if cannot watch it on Tv as you live outside of Central Virginia, you can watch any of the shows live online here.
Sep 18, 2020 - I will be speaking about the haunts and monsters of Richmond and the Petersburg, and the Tri-Cities area at a senior community center in Henrico, Virginia on Halloween. Check Appearances at a Glance if you are a senior and attend their events.
Sep 17, 2020 - First, some great news. I have another live book signing, which will be in October at the Book Warehouse in Williamsburg, Virginia! Check Appearances at a Glance to your right on this page for the date, time and address.
I also have two reviews for Haunted Surry to Suffolk: Spooky Tales Along Routes 10 and 460. First review is here. The reviewer gave it 5 stars. The second review was on Twitter. Read it here The reviewer says: 'Pamela Kinney's new book Haunted Surry to Suffolk: Spooky Locations Along Routes 10 and 460 mentions me! And it's a hauntingly good read. Chills in our own backyard.'
You can see the new book cover for HWA Poetry Showcase Vol VII, plus all the poems and their authors here.
Sep 3, 2020 - It saddens me to say that the Jingle Bell Bazaar on December 5th has been cancelled and that they rescheduled all of us vendors to the one on December 4, 2021. I expected this would happen. If you live in the area and wanted any of my books for Christmas signed, you can order them from Amazon and contact me about arrangements about getting any of them signed.
Plus, it looks like the Fall Festival in Yorktown, Virginia in October will still happen, as they have been having the Yorktown Market Days for a while now, and will be outside.
Aug 30, 2020 - I'm happy to say that three horror poems of mine were accepted by Sirens Call Publications, the same ezine that accepted my short story, A Trick, No Treat. The poems are Keeping Monsters in the Family, A Hell of My Own Making, and The Crimson Rush. The editor said to expect the ezine to be release around the end of October.
Aug 25, 2020 - I am happy to announce that I will be interviewed on Zoom by the North Suffolk Public Library, on October 20, 20202, at 2:00 p.m. I will be talking about the writing of all my books, and how I went about doing the ghost book, Haunted Surry to Suffolk: Spooky Tales Along Routes 10 and 460. I assume this will end up on the library's Facebook page. Just keep an eye on Appearances at a Glance for when their Facebook page link is added, when I know for sure. For now, I will have their calendar online.
In addition, I'm happy to announce my horror short story, A Trick, No Treat, was accepted for the Halloween issue of Sirens Call Publications. It is supposed to come out in October. You can check out their site here to get the news when it comes out.
Aug 3, 2020 - They say not to judge a book by its cover but I need you to do just that. If you liked the cover of my book, Haunted Surry to Suffolk: Spooky Locations Along Routes 10 and 460, please vote for it for the Cover of the Month contest on!
I’m getting closer to clinch the "Cover of the Month" contest on AllAuthor! I’d need as much support from you guys. Please take a short moment to vote for my book cover. Click to Vote!
Jul 9, 2020 - I have good news. My horror poem, Dementia, has been accepted for Horror Writers Association's HWA Poetry Showcase Vol. VII.
Jul 8, 2020 - I will be a guest blogger for Haunt Jaunts blog on July 14, 2020. I will be blogging about Edgar Allan Poe, Author and...Specter? I will also be sharing the blurb and a excerpt from my new ghost book, too. In Other news, I won't be doing that book signing at Book Warehouse in Williamsburg, Virginia for now. The manager is waiting until it will be safe for the bookstore and authors, so I expect that won't be until 2021. He does carry some of my books, so be sure to stop by there, as they are open for that. Just wear a mask.
Jul 2, 2020 - I will be interviewed live at the Cabin on 360 on Sunday, July 12th, sometime between 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Eastern (6-10 pm Pacific, 7-9 p.m. Mountain, and 8-10 p.m. Central). So, come learn more about my new ghost book, Haunted Surry to Suffolk: Spooky Tales Along Routes 10 and 460 and about me. An added bonus, the spot has been used for paranormal investigations, so maybe a ghost or two might join us---paranormally? The interview can be heard here:
June 29, 2020 - I will be doing an interview on The Paranormal Pride paranormal radio show about my new ghost book, Haunted Surry to Suffolk: Spooky Tales Along Routes 10 and 460 on September 28th. Check Appearances at a Glance for the link and times.
Jun 28, 2020 - Coming soon: another guest post sometime in July on the Haunt Jaunts blog.
Check out my guest blog post July 20, 2020, on I Smell Sheep Reviews, A Ghost by Any Other Name Would Still Haunt the Living. Leave a comment on the post that day to be entered to win a Kindle of Haunted Surry to Suffolk: Spooky Tales Along Routes 10 and 460.
Jun 22, 2020 - I will have a video, Spooky Old Dominion, available to watch at Fantasci on Saturday, July 25, 2020. This is the one-day virtual version of what would have been a two-day convention at the Chesapeake Central Library. My talk will be at 4:15pm here. You can spend the day at the virtual convention from 10am to 6:00pm and watch different panels and more. There will be vendors (I am included in that) where you can learn how to order any of their products on this same Facebook page. The whole day event is free.
Jun 3, 2020 - I am pleased to announce that I signed a contract to write the nonfiction book, Werewolves and Other Shapeshifters Stalking America. It will be published by Anubis Press.
In another week, I driving to the Chesapeake Central Library in Chesapeake, Virginia to be filmed, talking about Spooky Old Dominion: Ghosts, Cryptids, and Urban Legends of Virginia.
The video will be shown on Facebook (and maybe their main website too), on July 25, 2020, for the virtual convention, Fantasci, replacing the live two-day convention I would have done and where I would have been a vendor for my books. Go to Appearances at a Glance for the link to the event page and the library's Facebook page too. Right now, I am not sure when the video will be shown--that will be closer to the event and when I know, I will share it here, too.
May 22, 2020 - Two of my books are up for the 2020 Author Academy Awards. If you can, please vote for them. The poll is here. Once there, click on the forward arrow to scroll through the categories.
The first book is in the "Vote for Your Favorite General Nonfiction Book (2020)" category. Scroll down to find the cover for Haunted Surry to Suffolk: Spooky Tales Along Routes 10 and 460. Once you click on it, you've voted.Click forward to "Vote for your Favorite Science Fiction Book(2020)". Scroll down to my book cover for Maverick Heart and click on it. Simple, and you don't have to register or anything.
Thank you for voting.
Haunted Surry to Suffolk: Spooky Tales Along Routes 10 and 460 has its first review at Southern Spirit Guide, calling my ghost book "a fabulous resource on the hauntings of this region." Check it out. I also got a second review up at Amazon from a reader who enjoyed the book!
The online paracon went well, and I did a video of my talk, Pandemic and the Paranormal So far, over 1400 people have viewed it! Check it out here.
Apr 26, 2020 - Catch me Sunday, May 3rd, at this virtual paracon, The Paranormal Day Quarantine-a-con. Not sure if I will do Facebook Live (as I never have), or just do a video taping uploaded to my Facebook Author Page, maybe as a Watch Party (if I figure out how) or post the link to the video. I will be talking about past plagues and hauntings I found while researching. Just go here and say you're going. Then check out the other guests for that day-it runs from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. CT. Eastern Time is 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. For Pacific, it will be 8 am to 8 pm and Mountain: 9 am to 9 pm.
I am excited to say at one point last week, Haunted Surry to Suffolk: Spooky Tales Along Routes 10 and 460 made #16 in top selling new releases on Amazon at Ghosts and Hauntings for the paperback, while the Kindle made for the Supernatural and Occult ones.
Apr 10, 2020 - The paperback edition of Haunted Surry to Suffolk: Spooky Tales Along Routes 10 and 460 is now live and you can click on the link here. For a limited time, get it while it is only $9.99! And for a limited time, the Kindle version is $1.99.
Apr 5, 2020 - The publisher, Anubis Press, has revealed the front cover for the paperback copy of my next ghost book, Haunted Surry to Suffolk: Spooky Tales Along Routes 10 and 460. You can see it here.
Mar 29, 2020 - Come join me and other authors of Virginia Writers Club for the Virginia Writers Club Author Takeover event on Facebook, Tuesday, April 7, 2020, from noon until 6:00 p.m. Eastern. Click here for more info. There may be giveaways, and more. I plan to be giving maybe some eBooks of my fiction. Come meet some authors!
Virginia isn't just for lovers, it's for writers too! The Virginia Writers Club invites you to its Virginia Author Takeover event held online!
Come discover these wonderful Virginia writers of mystery, thrillers, sci-fi/fantasy, poetry, paranormal, horror, nonfiction, children's books and more!
Event Line Up (afternoon Eastern standard time)
12 Leslie Truex
12:30 Katherine Gotthardt
1:00 Pamela K. Kinney
1:30 J. Elizabeth Vincent
2:00 P. A. Duncan
2:30 Elizabeth Spencer Spragins
3:00 Diane Fanning
3:30 Marie Flanigan
4:00 Mary Montague Sikes
4:30 Cindy Freeman
5:00 Dennis Cogswell
5:30 David Simms
Mar 18, 2020 - My book signing April 18th at Book Warehouse in Williamsburg, Virginia, has been postponed until Saturday, July 18th, same time as the April signing. You can see the change at Appearances at a Glance.
There is an event Memorial Day Weekend with the bookstore, and right now, it is still there. If there are any changes, I will let you all know. These days, with CORVID-19 pandemic, all we can do is go one day at a time. If you want to read any of my books, in print or eBooks, you can check the Nonfiction and Fiction sections at the top of this page. Stay safe. This can be a good time to catch up on your reading and be with your family.
Mar 16, 2020 - As of now, Ravencon in Williamsburg April 24-26th is cancelled. So, please like their Facebook page and if you have questions, direct it to them there. Bookmark their website: Ravencon to keep tabs if and when they have rescheduled the convention, for maybe next year.
As posted on their website:
RavenCon 15 has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
On March 15th, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam announced a ban on all groups of more than 100 people during the COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, we have been forced to cancel this year’s RavenCon. We are currently looking at all of our options for rescheduling.
Mar 11, 2020 - I am pleased to announced that the anthology, Nano Nightmares, was just released by the publisher in both Kindle and paperback at Amazon. Check this out for both links and the book blurb. I have five two-sentence stories included in it.
Mar 10, 2020 - It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that the Virginia Festival of the Book has canceled its event this year--no doubt due to CORVID-19. So, I won't be doing the Virginia Writers Club table on March 21st. You can see more about this here.
Feb 24, 2020 - I am guest author blogger of the 'Hook of the Book' blog for Women in Horror Month. Read about witch and spirit bottles HERE.
My Mysticon schedule for this coming weekend:
Friday, February 28
Author Showcase- 3 p.m.
Evil in Writing- 5 p.m.
Folk Horror-6 p.m.
Reading Room- 9 p.m.
Saturday, February 29
Author Signing Table B- 11 a.m. (1 hour only)
Monsters Are People Too-12 Noon
Sunday, March 1
90s Horror-Millennial Classics- 2 p.m.
Feb 18, 2020 - I am happy to say my interview with A Haunt Mess Podcast is up. A Haunting Chat about Haunted Places and Virginia with yours truly. It's also here at AudioBoom.
Feb 13, 2020 - I saw that Nano Nightmares anthology, which includes five of my two-sentence horror stories, should be out in both paperback and eBook on Amazon before Easter (April 12th). You can see the cover flat for the paperback here. The link will be added to the book cover when it is released.
Feb 5, 2020 - I wanted to share two appearances I will have in March 2020. One has already sold out, so I'm just letting it be known that, on March 4th, I will be giving a talk at the Literary High Tea at Carrot Tea Kitchens in Yorktown, Virginia.
On March 21st, I will be assisting at the Virginia Writers Club table at the Virginia Festival of the Book's Publishing Day Lit Fair in the Omni Atrium, 11 a.m. to Noon. Visit Appearances at a Glance for the address--you can get a book signed from me, check out the other authors and publishers at our table and elsewhere in the place, plus even the panels going on that day for the festival. It's free.
Jan 27, 2020 - I will be doing the Writes of Spring Authors Fair at Book Warehouse in Williamsburg, Virginia, on Sunday, May 24th (Memorial Day Weekend), from Noon to 4:00 p.m. You can find the address and more at Appearances at a Glance.
Jan 22, 2020 - My next interview looks to be from A Haunt Mess podcast around the first week next month. When it is done and available to the public, I will let you know. Check the A Haunt Mess link here and listen to other podcasts they've done here or on YouTube.
Jan 21, 2020 - I have fabulous news. On New Year's Day, I signed the contract for my horror short story, Hunting the Goat Man, which will be included in the Retro Horror Anthology to be published by Anubis Press. That makes this the first acceptance of 2020.
Also, I will be doing Ecoff Elementary PTA's 29th Annual Jingle Bell Bazaar again Saturday, December 5, 2020, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.. The address will be at Appearances at a Glance. Once they put up a Facebook Event page, I will post that to the Appearances too.